1 Thing That Has Revolutionized Writing My Daily Journal

So you want to write a daily journal? That’s great! I have written in my journal for years… off and on! Unfortunately, more off than on…

The problem for me is that I often sit down to a piece of paper or my blank computer screen and then ask myself, “now what?” But I have discovered a secret that  I want to share that has revolutionized my personal journal.

Ok, let’s be honest here… it is really quite simple. I have created a template. If you know me, you know my mind works fairly orderly. So the one thing I have done to revolutionize my time and organize my thoughts is to answer a few questions in the form of a journal template. I have tried a few different ways to do this and there are a couple of things I have discovered.

  • First, keep it simple… Too many questions and too many options bogs me down so I just keep it simple. Of course I have the freedom to expound on my thoughts and ideas, but simple is best for me.

  • Next, journal regularly… 
  • And finally the one key that is best for me is the ability to sync between devices. I use android and I have to have my journal on all my devices (I hope all the Apple users keep reading) so I have a journal app that syncs to my nook, phone, and desktop computer.

What are some things that you have discovered 
to help you keep a personal journal?

Here is the current template I use for my journal. I hope you find it helpful. Feel free to copy it and use it for yourself as well…


– What did I do?
– What area can I improve?
– What impacted me the most?
– What did I learn?

Right Now:

– How do I feel right now?
– What sins do I need to confess?
– What am I thankful for?
– Who/what can I pray for?


– What Bible verse/story impacted me today?
– What am I going to do today to positively impact my marriage?
– What one thing must I accomplish today?
– Write down one book quote that inspired me.

Personal Notes:


Be blessed,

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