Back At It? Maybe…

After a bit of a gap in posts I have made the commitment to keep at it. I have recently been in a “writing funk.” I have been in a period of just reading the Word and listening to God speak many things in my life through it, but haven’t had a whole lot to say…

Maybe the next couple of weeks and months I will be inspired to sit down and write a bit more, but until then I will just write as the Spirit leads and if there is no prompting to say much, then I will remain silent.

There has been so much joy in writing this blog over the past several years and I am excited to see where it goes. The desire is there. The ideas are there. I just get tripped up when I sit down to write and feel like I am falling over my words… not sure if that makes sense!

Feel free to browse around and read through some of my older posts.


If you like what you read please remember to share with others.

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