2Corinthians 7:10 (esv) For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
How many times have you been sorry for something but the apology didn’t lead to a changed heart. I know for me there have been several times where I apologized for something simply to get another person “off my back” or to clear my own concience.
Paul is adressing the Corinthian church about their sin. He loves his fellow believers in Corinth and boldly speaks into their lives. This boldness not only brings them sorrow for hurting Paul, but it also leads them to turn from their sin and back to seeking the heart of God.
Godly sorrow unites us with God in being grieved over our sin. We come to a place of turning from our sin not to simply clear our concience, rather, because we feel the pain and distress that comes from grieving the heart of God.
Worldly sorrow is much different. Paul says in this verse that it leads to death. Worldly sorrow does not lead to repentance, it is mere remorse. It leads to frustration, deception, bitterness, and death. Matthew 27 tells us that Judas was filled with remorse at the betrayal of Jesus, yet, it only led to him taking his own life.
Prayer: Lord, please forgive me for my sin. Help me to turn from those things that grieve you and walk in a way that brings you glory. Help me to find the joy you have for me in my salvation. Amen.