2Tim 4:3-4 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
Paul is warning Timothy, and us today, to be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Be alert when men who should be teaching the message of taking up one’s cross and following after Christ are sharing culturally relevant opinions that simply tickle the ears and are indented to entertain the listener.
Our generation is filled with men such as this. When the church begins to look like the rest of the world we should be vigilant. Taking what these teachers say and see if it lines up with the Word of God.
Recently in the city I live in we have had several churches spring up that are spending more time affirming inappropriate lifestyles than they are teaching sound doctrine. They tickle the ears of the listeners and entertain them with worldly enticements. It can be confusing to spot a fake, so taking a few precautions is important. Here’s a few pointers…
- Pray for wisdom. James says anyone who lacks wisdom should ask for it and it will be given to them. (James 1:5)
- Test everything you hear. God has given us the Holy Spirit in order to test the spirit of others. (1 John 4:1)
- Search the scriptures. If what you’re hearing from a teacher seems counter to the Bible, always test it and see if it lines up with God’s Word. (Heb 4:12)
We live in a time where we need to be solid in what we believe so the enemy doesn’t get a foothold in our life. Pray, test, and search… and if what you see doesn’t line up, run.