Ephesians 1:4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love
God has blessed us beyond measure with every spiritual blessing. The first spiritual blessing I see is that we are chosen by Him. To understand that we have been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world brings comfort and assurance that we matter to God. The existence of our life is far more than an evolved being from a primordial soup millions of years ago. Rather, we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. Before God ever created anything we know today as the universe, by His divine will we were already chosen to be children of God.
Why should being chosen in Christ make a difference in my life? Being chosen for our eternal salvation is one thing, but Paul brings up the main reason here in this verse is so we will be holy and blameless before God. As a child of God, set apart (holy) and blameless, not only are we secure in our eternal destiny, but we are free to worship. We are created to worship. Some of us take that created attribute and use it to worship material things. Others may worship power and position, while still others become worshippers of self. Our ultimate object of worship is to be God himself and we are free to do that in and through Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 1:4 helps me see today that God thought of me, designed me, and ultimately created me in Christ long before time existed for the ultimate purpose of bringing glory and honor to Him through my worship. My sin is gone, my blame is gone, my guilt is gone in Christ… Thank you Jesus. And when I look at the two last words in this verse it tells me why He did this. It is done “in love.” He chose you and me and set us apart not because of our works or future choices, he did it out of love.
Now, how cool is that!
Be Blessed,