Daily Bible Verse ~ James 1:27

James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

In James 1:26, James reminds us that a person’s religion is worthless if he can’t bridle his tongue. Since what comes out of the mouth is a representation of our heart, it is critical that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we do whatever is necessary to keep a bridle on our tongue. In verse 27 he contrasts the vain religion from the previous verse with pure, undefiled religion.

Religion that is pure and undefiled is one in which one’s character and conduct reflect the Word of God. It isn’t about making sure that you follow certain religious rituals and litergy, rather, that your life is on the right track and your actions and behaviors conform to Christ. Not religious duty, but right living.

James uses the example of visiting orphans and widows in their tribulation, or their affliction. I don’t believe that it is all inclusive, as in, if you visit orphans and widows then you are all right with God. Rather, it is simply a statement that you come alongside those in need. In this example, as in our day today, widows and orphans are the most afflicted in our society. Yes, help the homeless, the poor, the needy, and each other, but in-so-doing do not neglect those who most need it.

A true follower of Christ walks it out. He or she doesn’t simply attend a church service once a week and live the rest of the week for their personal needs or desires. The goal of the book of James is to mature the believer and help them walk in holiness and purity. It was written for you and me to examine our faith. Is our faith spurring us on to help others and become doers of the word even to our own expense of resources and time, or are we sitting around, watching TV, reading the latest novel, browsing social media waiting until tomorrow so we can do it all over again.

What does pure undefiled worship look like in your life? Ask the Lord today to help you in your walk of faith. As the Apostle Paul says, “We are saved by faith alone.” And we are… there is nothing we can do to earn it. However, faith without works is dead and if you find yourself in the middle of your Christian walk and their has been little or no fruit because there has been no works, then you may need to prune some of the worlds branches from your life today and ask the Lord to open opportunities to move forward meeting the needs of those he places in your path… and He is faithful, He will do it.


Lord, help me today to not simply be a hearer of the word, but a doer also. I know there are people you have placed in my life that I can come alongside. Help me to free up my time today to follow after you in such a way that my only desire is to be like Christ to the world. Amen…

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