Daily Bible Verse ~ James 1:4

James 1:4-8 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

The beginning of the book of James starts off with the accelerator at full speed. In the first few verses he hits us square on with suffering, joy, faith, patience, wisdom, doubting, and so much more… “Count it all joy when you face trials of various kinds.” This statement alone goes contrary to how most of us pursue our lives. Avoiding trials and struggles is the main focus in most of our lives rather than being joyful in them. However, we all face trials and they are often difficult to get through, especially if we do not fully understand the role of suffering in our lives. (Click here to read about “the why” of suffering)

James instructs us that when we are experiencing the trials and struggles that come our way, we are to not only count it joy, but we are to allow steadfastness, or patience, to be manifest in and through the trials. He says that will bring us to a place of perfection, completeness, and lacking nothing. So what does it mean to allow patience to have its full effect? When we endure our trials with patience, we are admitting to the Lord that we are not able to endure this on our own. We recognize that God’s grace is sufficient for not only the specific trial, but for all areas of our life. Allowing it to take full effect means that we patiently wait for the Lord to intervene, not rushing to other sources for a cure or relief, but to simply allow the Lord to bring His result in our life through joy and patience.

That’s not to say we don’t seek a doctor during difficult health issues, or ask for prayer during other life crisis. Rather, it means that we rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our life to give us wisdom in each and every circumstance before we seek after worldly solutions. And sometimes there is no solution other than to simply be patient and wait on the Lord.

One of the beliefs I have acquired over the years is that our character isn’t built by avoiding trials, rather, it is build by how we walk through them. Joy, patience, faith; they are all character builders. God will often bring us to a place of trial in order to complete our character. Once we have endured the fire we are removed from the trial. 1Peter 1:6-7 tells us this: “In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, (7) so that the tested genuineness of your faith–more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire–may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

Our trials are to our faith as a furnace is to gold. Testing it for its genuineness. As the gold is refined in the hot furnace, so our faith is refined by the trials we endure. Patience is the key that unlocks our perfection. When we joyfully endure the trials of many kinds, the faith that the Lord is producing in us has its full effect and brings us to a place of completion in our walk with Christ.

Often we have friends and family going through trials and difficulties. If that is you, we encourage you to reply to this post and let us know how we can pray for you. God has given us the ability to come to Him for all things as little children come to their parent for their needs to be met. Allow us to intercede on your behalf and walk with you during any trials you may be going through.

Be Blessed,


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