Daily In Christ ~ Ephesians 4:7

Ephesians 4:7 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.

As I studied these verses today I had a difficult time deciding whether to move through to verse 11 or to simply stay with one verse and allow it to marinate in my mind and heart for awhile. So, as you can see, I decided to allow this one verse to speak to me as  I listened to the truth Paul had for the Ephesians. The prior verses laid out seven truths that unite all believers in Christ. Seven statements that we need to hold onto that all Christians hold to.

In verse seven he makes a transition from all of us to each of us. All of us believe in one body, one faith, one baptism and so on, but each of us have received grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift. What that means to me is that no one person has been given all things, rather, each member of the body of Christ has received their specific measure.

I am reminded what Paul says in the book of Romans chapter 12. Though we are one body, we are all given certain gifts that we obediently use for the building up and service of the entire body. No one gift is greater than another. Or 1Corinthians 12 where he states we are all one body with different parts. There is one Spirit but a variety of gifts, one God and Lord but a variety of service and activities.

We are dependent on one another to throw our own gifts into the “common pool” called the church to be used by one another. Since they are given to us by grace, there is no cause for boasting, rather, we have an obligation to Christ to give him the credit and glory for the gifts he has given us. They are a gift of Christ.

One may say today that I can’t play music or sing. Maybe you don’t have the talent to write or teach or you compare yourself with the abilities of another. That is not what Paul is talking about here. He isn’t comparing the natural abilities God has given some over another. He is talking about the spiritual gifts God grants you when you need them for the building up the body of Christ. A spiritual gift is a God given ability to serve God and fellow believers for the building up and edifying of the body.

I can’t play music, work on cars, or program a computer, but I can show compassion to someone that is struggling in their marriage. I can lend a hand to a brother when he is down and needs prayer. I am able to walk alongside a child and teach the basics of what it means when they hear “Jesus loves you.” I can pray when I discover a brother or sister has a broken heart because they lost a loved one.

Though we are one body and have the same core beliefs, each one of us is given some specific way we are to serve one another and glorify Christ. Today I encourage you to not compare yourself to someone who has more ability or talent than you. Simply ask the Lord to show you the way he wants you to serve others and bring glory to Him and then walk boldly as a vital member of the body of Christ.


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