mp3 audio file
Do you remember the “Where’s Waldo” books that were a phenomenon several years back. I remember spending hours on the couch with my kids trying to find that elusive little striped fellow. The challenge often got too difficult and the kids or myself would give up and move onto other things.
As I was praying and spending time in the Word this week the image of “Where’s Waldo?” came to my mind. Not because I was curious where the striped little man was, but because it related to what I was reading in the Word. I began to think about my life and how reflective of Jesus I am to the rest of the world. Am I a light set on a hill or, like Waldo, hidden in a crowd only to be seen by those who are really looking?
Jesus calls us to let our light shine before men. So often we are hidden Christians and our light is more like a dim flicker of a candle on a windy night. We spend more time blending in with the crowd than we do standing out in the crowd.
What if you decided right now to quit being a hidden Christian and become bold in your faith? What if your life was a little less like Waldo’s and a whole lot more like Jesus? What if you stopped allowing fear, anxiety, and lack of trust rule your heart? Would your life look different? Would your neighborhood look different? Would our nation look different?
Living a nice comfortable hidden Christian life is safe, but isn’t Biblical.
What good is it for us to gain our own comfort and security and lose our soul in hell? Are you a hidden Christian? Do you relate more to Waldo than to Jesus?
What can you do today to allow your light to shine bright before those around you? When you get to the throne of God and stand before Jesus will He tell you He couldn’t even see you mixed in the crowd, or will he say to you, “Well done good and faithful servant.”
Where are you today?
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