What If… I Seek Him

Psa 27:8 You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, LORD, do I seek.”

What if I spent my life seeking after the face of God? Not just settling in for the table scraps that fall from the King’s table. The crumbs on the floor. But delighting in the feast. Eating the finest bread. Drinking the finest drink. Savoring the most tender morsels.

Settling for the paltry pleasures this life has to offer is an utter compromise. To dive into a kiddie pool rather than freely swim in the depths of the sea. Shall we not experience all the beauty and majesty the Kingdom offers us?

I have been carefully considering what it means to be wholly devoted to Jesus. Not just going to church once a week. Not just being a believer to my church friends and then a man of the world to others. But really being zealous to discover the ways of God.

What if I sought hard after God? What if my devotion was to him continually? What if God was as important to me as everything else?

What if…

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